Here you can find the results of my experiments and researches in Ballistics & Java programming language. Basically, some ballistic formulas interpreted
in java.
This section will be expanded, at least planned so, depends on many different things though.
So far we only have:
New - Muzzle Energy Calc & Power Factor Calc support complete data/state trasfer between them. On both pages there's a link that switches one calculator to
another. That means - you can enter the data in one of those two applets, draw the graphs & then click the Switch link above the applet & go to the other one. All
the data entered, working mode & the current element number will be transfered to the calculator being loaded.

- Calculator that builds a graph by calculated bullet muzzle energy using
the bullet mass and the velocity. You also can enter sevral bullet masses and draw the comparison graphs, just in case if you want to visualize different loads this way ;). After
using it for some time & several responese I've reconsidered original design & now the calculator supports both Imperial & Metric UOM systems & can
automatically convert vaules bewteen those two.

- Very similar to the Muzzle Energy Calculator, but the formulas used here are
different. Gives a different picture for the same rounds. Many people prefer Power Factor formulas over the ME. For this one special thanks goes to Charles Winters, for the idea
& the detailed info provided & to Scott Rutter, without whom the metric system calculation wouldn't be available for a long
time, I guess :)

- Calculate Recoil energy, impulse & gun free velocity by the bullet,
gun & powder charge masses & muzle velocity. Gunpowder type (Blackpwoder or smokeless) also accounted, Both UOM systems: Imperial & Metric are supported, including
automatic value conversions. Special thanks goes to Scott Rutter for all his help.

- Calculates Shotgun Recoil energy, impulse & gun free
velocity by the bullet, wad, gun & powder charge masses & muzle velocity. Both UOM systems: Imperial & Metric are supported, including automatic value conversions.